Coast of Araska

Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Leopard Day

Well folks the day has come, Leopard has been set free. Long have the engineers of Cupertino toiled in the Mac caves of 1 Infinity Drive to produce OS X Leopard aka 10.5.

I'm sure it won't be without its own foibles and follies, but initial reports are strong, and today is not a day to dwell on the problems, but celebrate something that sucks significantly less then Vista :)

With that in mind, I pirate and link for you The Joy Of Tech's tale of How the Gates Stole Leopard


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Apple puts on a good show

Well I'm glad I got my prediction in on time, I was 2/3. I guess Leopard was a forgone conclusion, they have announced October, so they are going to ship October, no further comment required.

iMacs? Check, two nice refreshes, nice styling, nice price, nothing more to say here, they are iMacs, my MacPro is a better machine, but they are a great computer for lay users.

iLife and iWork? I feel I was a rare predictor, and I was more right then I could have imagined. Announced? check, release date? Today! Not bad, not bad at all.

They look spiffy, so I'm sure I will stack up on them once they are actually physically available so Eri can buy them with her education discount.

Back to work



Hype and Fuss

Well there is an Apple Press Conference starting shortly, and for the last week there has been a lot of fuss on the interwebs about what Steve will announce. Since this isn't a fully blown mega-nouncement, and they have already put down rumors of a new ipod or iphone and everyone is flapping about this thats or the other thing. I want to go on record with my prediction:

1) A final release date for Leopard with either new demoed features, or no demo, gawd don't need to see the same demo again.
2) A speculative time frame for iWork and iLife Rev's with possible demo
3) iMac update.

The last one I say, just cuz thats what everyone else is saying and I don't want to be left out of the party if they are right :P


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Did anything get anounced at WWDC ?

Well I've been chewing on the WWDC keynote from yesterday (for those non-apple aficionado's that is the Apple World Wide Developer Conference) and I've been trying to figure out what was said that was important or new.

The thanks to Intel, was an acknowledgment of success, the Leopard features, well those were the dame as last year, iPhone, Apple TV, yup all old news. Which was really all a dénouement. Even the announcement that developers can create websites for the iPhone was self evident, and kind of depression.

Now don't get me wrong none of these things were a disappointment, but they weren't new, and thats what we expect from Steve Jobs these days, something new and awesome. I think I would have settled for an announcement of iLife and iWork, but no, none of that either.

So I'm wondering what was announced, anything? Then it came to me, and it was ever so simple and ever so subtle. That announcement is that Mac's star is rising. Mac is becoming more and more prominent in the Zeitgeist, and that has brought to light a very clear market with a very clear deficiency. Games, until now there has only been one company building games (for simultaneous release) for the Mac, and that's Blizzard. So the big announcement is not that ID, and EA are coming out with games for the Mac, but that ID and EA recognize the Mac as a growing market share among there target audience (which is not office PC users.)

So by a not so subtle endorsement, that for EA can only be built on a reasonable business case, Mac is on the rise, and that was Steve Jobs big announcement. It was not made with bravado or chest thumping, it was made by simple economics.

With that brings honest competition with consoles, and windows, and that is great for consumers.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mac Blogging 101

Well Ladies and gentleman, I am officially online with my brand new MacBook Pro today. I suppose officially it isn't BRAND NEW, I opted for the refurbished product, but I don't say that to loudly around the MacBook, I don't want it to feel bad. Seriously, I've been giddy since friday when I put the order in, but much of that giddiness was defused into our trip to Ottawa, which was a worth while distraction. In fact I may have some more images around here once I get myself completely switched.

So for all the fun details of what I have here, well its a MacBook Pro to start, its running an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz. 2 GB of the ol'memory. Enough spinning media to make my media collection spin (I think that means I have 160 GB, it may only be 120 GB, boo hoo, still more then I have else where. The crowning glory of these machine is its monitor, 17 beautiful widescreen inches of glossy LCD wonder. I think it was actually poured from molten lustrium, a liquid known for both its luster, and ium...

Anyways, long times window user, recent Mac adocate, and new Macolite of the cult of Steve. (Which I note Steve in Zapfino looks particularly swank, I wonder who did that little flourish.) Sadly I am only composing in Zapfino, not posting, as only the Mac users could see its silliness.

Well thats the big news, its quiet at the house as we get ready for the coming party, I must remind all of the surprise guest who will be attending, but I can say no more. It is nice having the cats home, I suspect kids must be something similar with there seemingly frustrating and disruptive behavior being missed when not present. Loki is of course his usual bad self, and Aslan was a pretty sucky (in that positive way.)

Anyways thats the update. Next post will either be Ottawa posts, or something about global warming.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lazy Blogging

Hey all, I'm just the laziest blogger lately. I can't really give you a good reason, so I won't.

Recently did some skiing, and basement work (its really almost done, just quarter round, and touch up painting :)

Heading up to Ottawa this weekend for Winterlude. I can't wait, going to see ice and ice related activities. Skate the canal, see the mint (I suppose thats always fun for either those who like to hold gold, or numismatist.) Speaking of numismatists, the Mint announced or at least confirmed that they are considering making a $1 000 000 dollar coin!

So pictures of Ottawa to come, and maybe some blogging as I turn to the dark side, or at least the shinny happy apple side! The lappy hasn't been ordered yet, but I have made the commitment to go Apple, and am just saving my clams up until I have enough. While I think John Hodgman personifies a PC in actually a flattering light, I must trade my suits and pocket protectors for the sexy sleek anodized aluminum, and feline grace of the OS X. I blame Loki, and Steve Jobs (For Erin: Jooorrrrrrrbbbbbbbbsssss.)

Anyways for those asking, I'm telling, love the new job! Look forward to work in the morning! But don't worry, I'm not a workaholic yet, I still look forward to Friday's with zeal :)

better blogging through effort coming soon


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