Coast of Araska

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blogging and Podcasting

Well my grand blogging effort has be thwarted by my iPod. More specifically, Buzz Out Loud, the CNET Podcast of Indeterminate Length. A great show, but one that requires more attention they I imagined. Thus leaving the quality of my blogging quite wanting.

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Welcome new members of the Araskian Brand, would like to welcome two new sites under its banner, the news sites are actually off brand and will not be sporting that dashingly handsome URL but have there own equally interesting URLs. The first in our happy web family is this site will be hosting the e-resume of the lovely and talented Erin Westman. The second site is which will be hosting the professional site of J. W. Westman Inc. The first site is developed and designed by the aforementioned Erin Westman, and the later is from the toolbox of yours truly. I'm beginning to think, on comparing the two, that my toolbox is filled with rusty widgets, and ill fitting sprockets, because Erin's looks sharp.

So everyone please give these new sites a warm welcome, and please pad there hit counters.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lazy Blogging

Hey all, I'm just the laziest blogger lately. I can't really give you a good reason, so I won't.

Recently did some skiing, and basement work (its really almost done, just quarter round, and touch up painting :)

Heading up to Ottawa this weekend for Winterlude. I can't wait, going to see ice and ice related activities. Skate the canal, see the mint (I suppose thats always fun for either those who like to hold gold, or numismatist.) Speaking of numismatists, the Mint announced or at least confirmed that they are considering making a $1 000 000 dollar coin!

So pictures of Ottawa to come, and maybe some blogging as I turn to the dark side, or at least the shinny happy apple side! The lappy hasn't been ordered yet, but I have made the commitment to go Apple, and am just saving my clams up until I have enough. While I think John Hodgman personifies a PC in actually a flattering light, I must trade my suits and pocket protectors for the sexy sleek anodized aluminum, and feline grace of the OS X. I blame Loki, and Steve Jobs (For Erin: Jooorrrrrrrbbbbbbbbsssss.)

Anyways for those asking, I'm telling, love the new job! Look forward to work in the morning! But don't worry, I'm not a workaholic yet, I still look forward to Friday's with zeal :)

better blogging through effort coming soon


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Monday, January 08, 2007

Blogger Beta

Well Blogger 2.0 or whatever is out of beta, and I have made the conversion. You really won't notice much of anything on this end, but the editor is much nicer for me. Sadly a number of features are unavailable because I don't host on blogspot, but the one thing you can see is Tags, or labels. They will appear at the end of posts, and will link to an index of posts that share a label. I will have to go back through the archive and label things. So it will take a little time, but feel free to have a look around.

Also I have started a new job, which 9/10ths of the universe already know. I haven't said much a about it, but that will come soon. I also have some interesting pictures from the neighbour hood since it is kind of neat. That will come soon to.

Talk to you all later!

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