Coast of Araska

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Real Fire Alarm

Well after nearly six months of constant, and I mean CONSTANT fire alarm tests actually inside my left ear, we had are real first fire alarm today. No mention of why we had it, but it did require a company wide email to indicate that it wasn't a test. Boys and wolf crying apparently do have relevance in the modern world.

Anyways we had a nice breakfast break instead, and now back to the grindstone.


Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm an Astronaut / I'm Famous on the Interwebosphere(TM)

Okay, this is a little elaborate, so bare with me...

First of go to: this is the site for the Race to Mars: Mars Commander Game.

Push the Play Button...

Once the game launches push play again...

Okay scan your crew selection carefully, I highly recommend you pick the dashing British astronaut Tolliver, he bares a striking similarity to yours truely, perhaps because he is :)

I have no rights to that image, but I've copied it here for ease of clicking


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More news about my company

I mentioned an article about my boss a few months ago here: Coast of Araska: Top 40 under 40.

Well he is in the news again here.

Always good to be getting press, I didn't realize that he went to McMaster, yeah Mac!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I wondered why it was so quiet...

The cranes were stilled, at least for a while...


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Top 40 under 40

Just a little story about my 'boss' (where boss is anyone higher then me, but in this case there is no one higher then him,) who is a cool guy, and I'm not just saying that because he is my boss.

Without sounding to much like a kiss ass, Wayne is a pretty neat, friendly kind of guy, and well I certainly don't know him too well, I have had a lot more 1 on 1 meetings, and drinks with him, then I did with Gord Nixon.

Anyways the article gives a good impression of him and his company, and I'm happy to be a part of it.

